School of Medicine - Independent Investigative Inquiry
Library resources for School of Medicine students completing research and III requirements
RUOP Research
RUOP Resources
Asset-based Community Development (ABCD) & Health Information
State-Level Population and Health Data
Rural Health Resources
- Rural Services Integration Toolkit - Evidence-based and other models/resources to benefit rural communities
- Evidence-Based Toolkits for Rural Health - Toolkits for many rural health areas
- Rural Health Information HubStatistics, resources, tools, and program models for rural community health
- Rural Health Research GatewayCollected information from research funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Includes publications and in-progress and completed projects
- UW WWAMI Rural Health Research CenterResearch projects and publications on issues of rural healthcare access and workforce.
- CMS Rural ResourcesResources related to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Federal Office of Rural Health PolicyPolicy information and programs on rural hospitals, community health, and telehealth.
- AgriSafePatient information site on health topics for workers in agriculture, forestry, logging, and fishing.
- AgriSafe Learning LabAgriSafe's online training site, with a mix of health and safety programs for workers and health professionals. Many of the programs are free.
Best Bets
Primary Databases
Best practice is to search these databases when conducting full Systematic Reviews in the field of Medicine
- EMBASE This link opens in a new windowHigh quality biomedical database, with focus on foreign literature, conference proceedings and drug information
- Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowHighest quality Systematic Reviews in medicine. Search Clinical Trials when conducting Systematic Reviews
Databases and Resources
Relevant Resources
- CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new windowPremier Nursing database. Includes Evidence Based Care Sheets and more
- PsycInfo This link opens in a new windowPremier Psychology database. Strong interdisciplinary coverage
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowHigh quality resources focused on STEM disciplines and more. Useful for citation chaining and identifying impact
- ClinicalTrials.govInformation about ongoing clinical trials and registering clinical trials
Background Resources
Research Guidelines and Guidance
- Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews - guideline for completing a systematic review
- PRISMA - checklist and flow diagram for reporting reviews
- Develop Search Strategy using a Concept Table
- What Makes a Successful Literature Review? (Sage)
Citation Management
- EndNote research guide
- Add references to EndNote Online (including tutorial)
- EndNote Online
Access Full-text
- Request resources via Interlibrary Loan
- Google Scholar Button - connect to your UW account to access more full-text when searching
Statistical Software
Get Library Support
Book a Research Consultation
- Public Health Librarian, Leah DeSantis
- Team Sciences Librarian, Teresa Jewell
- Nursing Librarian, Caitlin Maloy
- CRDS Director, Electra Enslow (email)
- Ask Us Chat help