Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Guide
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Grey Literature Basics
What is it?
Information "produced on all levels of government, academics, business and industry in electronic and print formats not controlled by commercial publishing i.e. where publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body." (source)
It includes: Reports, preprints, working documents, research papers, theses and dissertations, clinical trials, bibliographies, newsletters, patents, statistical documents, white papers, pamphlets, informal communication (e.g., blogs, podcasts, email), and more.
When do I use it?
Anytime you're researching. Relying only on scholarly literature tends to center whiteness because white supremacy is embedded throughout the research process: "Most editors are white and/or from Western nations, and 66-80% of peer reviewers are also white." Learn more about researching through an anti-racism lens.
How do I find it?
- Google Advanced SearchTry searching using domain names; this allows you to use the power of Google on nonprofit, government, and other websites. Keep in mind that not every site allows Google to index their pages.
- PAIS IndexSocial and public policy literature.
- Food and Drink in History: Module IIThis collection illustrates the deep links between food and identity, politics and power, gender, race and socio-economic status, as well as charting key issues around agriculture, nutrition and food production.
- Culinary ArtsScholarly and non-scholarly articles covering cooking and nutrition.
- More resources belowIncluding data, policy, deep web searching, theses & dissertations, and more.
How do I evaluate it?
- Evaluating Information GuideContains guides to evaluating information from news sources, social media, data, and more.
Learn more about conducting research through an anti-racism lens.
Data is an important part of research because it can provide evidence that an intervention does or doesn't work, that a community is or isn't receiving sufficient support, and more. Data and statistics can be manipulated to justify almost any opinion, so you must evaluate the collection methods, purpose, and more to ensure you understand the data and are using the data appropriately.
General Data Resources
Data that Encompasses Multiple Parts of the Food System
- PolicyMapOnline mapping with data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs and more in communities across the United States.
- FAOSTATFrom the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Food and agriculture data for over 245 countries from 1961 to the present year, including data on food production, food supply, food trade, food prices, land use, demographics, food and nutrition security, and Sustainable Development Goals indicators.
- Food Systems DashboardA global database that incorporates country-level information from multiple databases. Maintained by the Johns Hopkins University, GAIN, and FAO.
- Our World in DataSee sections on Food & Agriculture, Demographics, Health, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Data Related to Nutrition
- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)From the US CDC. Nationally representative data from the US on dietary intake, health behaviors, anthropometric measurements, laboratory tests, and demographics.
- Food Commodity Intake Database (FCID)Also known as “What We Eat in America,” from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Data from the dietary intake interview component of NHANES.
- Food Availability Data SystemFrom the USDA Economic Research Service. Data on food availability, loss-adjusted food availability, and nutrient availability in the United States for other 200 commodity foods; these data served as proxies for food consumption.
- Food Data Central (FDC)From USDA Agricultural Research Service. Nutrient composition data for over 8,000 commodity foods.
Data Related to Economics
- Consumer Price IndexFrom the US Department of Labor. Average changes in consumer prices over time for 15 food groups.
- National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS)From the USDA Economic Research Service. Dietary data, health behaviors, and demographic data for over 4,800 respondents in the US in 2013.
Data Related to Agriculture and Food Supply
- National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)From the USDA. Includes the Census of Agriculture and the Agricultural Surveys, which reports on the characteristics of farms, ranches, and their operations from 1840 onward. NASS Quick Stats Database
- Data ProductsFrom the USDA Economic Research Service. Includes data on agricultural productivity, agriculture trade, commodity costs, fertilizer use and prices, a food environment atlas, and more.
Data Related to Food Waste
- Loss-adjusted Food Availability (LAFA)From the USDA Economic Research Service. Note that this is part of the Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System; it includes data on food spoilage, plate waste, and other losses for over 200 commodity foods.
- Insights Engine from ReFEDIncludes visual dashboards on the amount of food wasted, the impact of wasted food, and the relative effectiveness of different food waste reduction strategies.
Data related to Climate Change and the Environment
- Database of Food Impacts on the Environment for Linking to Diets (dataFIELD)From the University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems. Data on greenhouse gas emissions and cumulative energy demand for over 500 commodities.
Food Policy
- Food Policy Networks project at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable FutureA directory of over 280 food policy councils in North America, a database of food policies, and additional resources for food policy councils and organizations.
- US Farm BillFrom the USDA.
- Washington State Food Policy Forum from the Washington State Conservation CommissionIncludes reports from the Food Policy Forum to the Washington State Legislature.
- US Food Waste Policy Finder from ReFEDA state map with policies related to food waste prevention, rescue and recycling.
- PAIS IndexSocial and public policy literature.
Deep Web Searching
The Deep Web, also known as the Invisible Web, is a portion of the web not reached by standard search engines, such as Google and Bing. Less than 10% of the web is indexed by search engines, with the remaining 90% of web content called the Deep Web. It is estimated to be 2-500x bigger than the visible web.
Here are some general resources to search the Deep Web:
- Grey Matters: A practical search tool for evidence-based medicine
- Kennedy School of Government Think Tank Search, a custom Google search of over 670 think tank and research center websites
- MedNar: deep web search engine of 60+ authoritative medical collections (Article on using MedNar)
- OAIster: digital resources from open archive collections worldwide
- OpenGrey: grey literature from Europe
- global science gateway to international scientific databases
- WWW Virtual Library: high quality subject guides
Institutional Repositories
An Institutional Repository is a virtual space where a university or research institute collects and preserves its research and findings. Information in Repositories is considered grey literature since these resources are not traditionally published.
- ResearchWorks
University of Washington's digital repository of articles, technical reports, dissertations, datasets, images, and other file types produced at UW by faculty and researchers. - OpenDOAR
Directory of open access repositories
Reports, Theses & Dissertations, Clinical Trials
Reports and Research:
- Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) Prices Database
From the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. Provides Monthly Cost of Food Reports based on USDA Food Plans. - NIH RePORTER
Describes research projects funded by NIH and other DHHS agencies. - NLM Gateway
Find conference abstracts and research projects - Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library: Registry of Nursing Research
- Virtual Technical Reports Center
List of institutions with links to technical reports, preprints, eprints, reprints, dissertations, theses, and research reports of all kinds
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Full-text comprehensive database collection of dissertations and theses - EThOS
Access to UK theses
Clinical Trials
- CenterWatch
Global source for clinical trials information, offering news, analysis, study grants, career opportunities, and trial listings to professionals and patients -
Registry and results database of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world - EU Clinical Trials Register
Registered clinical trials in the European Union - ISRCTN Register
Registered randomized controlled trials and other studies to assess the efficacy of health care interventions around the world
Policy & Legislation
- Center for Health & WellbeingWoodrow Wilson School, Princeton University
- Congress.govCurrent Congressional activities, including full text U.S. House and Senate bills, committee information and details of the legislative process.
- Future of Children(Princeton University and The Brookings Institution) Research and analysis to provide effective policies and programs for children.
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)Search for state-level bills related to health.
- Nutrition PolicyCenter for Science in the Public Interest
- PAIS IndexPublic and social policy literature from thousands of journals, government reports, and books.
- Revised Code of Washington (RCW)A compilation of all permanent laws in force in Washington State
Organizations & Associations
- Nutrition FirstWA association of local WIC agencies.