The general guideline is to search at least three databases, you will likely search more and look to grey literature sources to ensure you fully understand the context of your topic and incorporate many perspectives.
Scholarly lit typically refers to journal articles published to enhance the field of study. It is also called "academic literature", "research", or "peer reviewed".
When trying to understand a current or evolving issue. As background or historical information, although textbooks are often a better choice for established facts.
In scholarly databases:
Background information is typically found in books.
Conceptualizing a search strategy to research: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) studying social skill development in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Learn more about developing a research question.
By using Boolean operators, the database returns results for articles that meet all four components of the search (i.e., the center of the Venn diagram where all four concepts overlap).
(social skills OR interpersonal skills OR role play* OR social competence OR social behavior OR social behaviour)
(Attention deficit disorder OR attention hyperactivity disorder OR adhd OR ad hd OR hyperactiv* OR hyperkine*)
(child OR children OR pediatric OR boy OR boys OR girl OR girls OR preschool* OR adolescen*)
(randomized controlled trial OR randomized clinical trial OR randomized trial OR randomised trial)
In many databases, the asterisk is a wildcard; it can be considered a 'fill in the blank' option for the database. Wildcards can cause issues, especially if used incorrectly because not all databases understand the asterisk the same. Learn more about using wildcards in different databases.
Searching is iterative and you should not expect to get it right on the first try!
After trying your search, in a document or spreadsheet, record the following information so you can reproduce the search later or improve it another day:
Current events in research, government, and civil society are often reported through journalism. Here are some of the many news and reporting outlets that frequently cover food systems.