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Research Guides

Senator Henry M. Jackson, 1912-1983: Digital Resources

The portal provides a general overview of key archival, printed, and visual resources in UW Libraries Special Collections that document Senator Jackson's long and distinguished career in public service.


Digital Resources Overview

In 2006/2007, with funding provided by the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, the University of Washington Libraries embarked on a year-long project to fully describe all of the more than 300 archival sound recordings, films, and videos in the Henry M. Jackson Papers collection, as well as the more than 3000 photographs and other visual media, including political cartoons and ephemera. To improve access to these media, all of the sound recordings and moving image reels and tapes were migrated to digital files, and use copies produced in each instance. These CDs and DVDs are available in the Reading Room in Special Collections.

To facilitate discovery of these rich but underutilized resources, a selected number of digital copies were created, and are now available on the internet. Over 700 photographic images are available online as part of the University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections. In the case of the sound and moving image media, sample "clips" from several recordings and films are linked to the corresponding description of the recording or film in the Guide to the Henry M. Jackson Papers. Links to these are also included throughout the Jackson web portal, along with photos, to give researchers a better sense of the rich and varied content of these portions of the Jackson Papers.



Click on the following links to view images, video clips, and sound recording selected from the Henry M. Jackson Collection.

Jackson en route to a ship launching ceremony

Photo: University of Washington Special Collections