May 31: Birth of Henry M. Jackson, 3602 Oakes Street, Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, to Peter Jackson (formerly Gresseth) and Marine Jackson (née Anderson)
Agnes Jackson (sister) dies of infantile paralysis
Summer: Jackson enters Stanford University, Stanford, California after freshman year and returns to University of Washington in Seattle, Washington in the fall
December: Construction begins on the Grand Coulee Dam, Grand Coulee, Washington
Spring: USSR is recognized by the U.S.
Boeing begins production on the B-17 Flying Fortress
March: Jackson graduates, University of Washington School of Law and begins working for the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) in the fall
August 7: Warren G. Magnuson elected to U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District, Washington State
November: President Franklin D. Roosevelt reelected to a second term
December: Jackson passes the bar exam and is hired by law firm, Black and Rucker (Lloyd L. Black and J.L. Rucker)
July: Japan invades China
Olympic National Park is established, Port Angeles, Washington
Creation of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
Jackson stands as candidate in the campaign for Prosecuting Attorney, Snohomish County, Washington, running against Democratic incumbent, Al Swanson
September: Jackson defeats Al Swanson in the primary
November: Jackson is elected Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney, defeating Republican opponent Tom Stiger
January 9: Jackson begins his first term as Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney
April 15: Jackson mandates the elimination of slot and pinball machines in Snohomish County by June 15, earning him the nickname, “Soda Pop Jackson” [i]
September: Beginning of World War II
March: Jackson loses negligent homicide case against Vivian Reeves to defense attorney John C. Richards
March: Nazi invasion of Denmark and Norway
July: Jackson wins first-degree murder case against Edward Bouchard
July: Lewis Schwellenbach leaves U.S. Senate for U.S. District Court Judge, Eastern District, Washington
August: Congressman Mon Wallgren, U.S. Representative, 2nd District, announces candidacy for U.S. Senator
August 16 : Jackson announces candidacy, U.S. House of Representatives, 2nd District, Washington State
September: Jackson defeats Howard Bargreen and Pat Hurley in the primaries
September 22: Opening of Hurricane Ridge Lodge, Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, Washington
November: Jackson defeats Republican opponent Payson Peterson
November: Warren G. Magnuson reelected to U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District, Washington State
[i] Kaufman, Robert G. Henry M. Jackson: A Life in Politics. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000, p. 26.