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Research Guides

Starting Points

The International Inter-Governmental & Non-Governmental Organizations guide provides links to the most useful databases and resources for researching IGOs & NGOs.  Use the tabs to the left to navigate through the pages of this guide.

Below are some of the most popular pages:

non-governmental organizations (black text on gold ground) The flag of the united nations: a view of the earth from the north pole surrounded by laurel leaves Inter-governmental organizations (black text on gold ground)
the international criminal court in the hague on a sunny day. United Nations (white text on purple ground). the united nations main building in NYC on a sunny day.
human rights (black text on gold ground). the flag of the european union. Statistical Data (black text on gold ground)

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Profile Photo
Kian Flynn
Geography & Global Studies Librarian; International Documents
Suzzallo Library
Seattle, WA

Office Hours by appt.