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Research Guides


The United Nations (UN) was founded after WWII by 51 countries "committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights."  The UN's activities include:

  • Peacekeeping
  • Peacebuilding
  • Conflict Prevention
  • Humanitarian Assistance

The UN and its affiliated organizations are also involved in:

  • Promoting human rights and gender equality and the advancement of women
  • Protecting the environment
  • Fighting disease--especially AIDS
  • Reducing poverty
  • Defining standards for safe and efficient air travel
  • Improving telecommunications
  • Enhancing consumer protections
  • Campaigns agains drug trafficking and terrorism
  • Assisting refugees
  • Clearing landmines
  • Expanding food production

Additional Resources

Print Sources

United Nations Proceedings in Print

United Nations

Official UN emblem: An image of the world held in the "olive branches of peace."

Starting Points

Suggested links for background information on the UN, as well as links for beginning your UN related research.