Publication Date: New York : Garland Pub., 1989-1991
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The Arolsen Archives are the world’s most comprehensive archive on National Socialist persecution. The documents were collected to help clarify the fates of the victims of persecution.
The Donovan Nuremberg Trials collection consists of nearly 150 bound volumes of Nuremberg trial transcripts and documents from the personal archives of General William J. Donovan (1883-1959). The Donovan papers contain both original statements from the defendants in German and typed translations in English prepared by the Allies.
These recordings are powerful personal accounts of the Holocaust from Jewish survivors living in Britain. This collection contains interviews from two oral history projects, the Living Memory of the Jewish Community (C410) and the Holocaust Survivors' Centre Interviews (C830).
his 15-volume series summarizes the course of the more important proceedings taken against individuals accused of war crimes during World War II, excluding the major war criminals tried by the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals.