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Research Guides

Latin American and Caribbean Studies: News Sources

Starting point for research in Latin American and Caribbean Studies

About News Sources

Newspapers, transcripts, broadcasts, and wire service files are often the first information available for an event. Apply critical thinking when judging accuracy and objectivity of any news source; government censorship, bias, and editorial position can all affect the news "as reported." Understand the differences between a news story and an editorial or opinion piece.

Latin American and International Online News Sources

Strategies for Searching Fulltext Newspaper Databases

When searching any fulltext database such as Global Newsstream you may find the following strategies useful to narrow your search down to more relevant items.

  • When available use the Advanced Search option -- this gives you the flexibility of doing more complex searches
  • If you get too many results see if there is a way to search just the headline of an article
  • If available limit your search by publication type such as articles, editorials, advertisements
  • Limit your search by publication year
  • Be aware of changes in language and spelling over time. Some terms used in historic newspapers are considered unacceptable or offensive now.