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UW Ethnomusicology Archives: Teaching

The UW Eth­no­mu­si­col­ogy Archives has been col­lecting and curating unique ethnographic music recordings, films, and video since 1962.

Ethnomusicology Archives in the Classroom

Our curator offers one-off sessions and more sustained quarter-long courses. Shorter sessions may include introductions to...

  • The UW Ethnomusicology Archives’ global and local collections; 
  • Field recording techniques;
  • Best practices in audio/video/film archiving and preservation; 
  • Theoretical and colonial critiques of archives and the broader field.

See below for sample course descriptions offered by the curator over the years. If you are interested in learning more or would like to schedule a time for the archivist to present to your students or community, please reach out and ask us

206 Hip Hop Archiving

In Spring 2016, John Vallier and Third Andresen co-taught "Hip Hop Archiving in the PNW" (UW Honors Program). The class mixed history of Seattle's hip hop history with a hands-on establishment a local hip hop collection in the Archives. 

Seattle Sounds: Archiving Local Music

This class focuses on Seattle's rich and diverse music histories. First offered by John Vallier in 2008, various versions of the class have followed in Honors and First Year Programs. In Spring 2023 , the class took a new turn, matching the core historical overview with a music mapping project. Learn more about the course here. 

Ethnomusicology & Colonial Legacies

This class explores the colonial legacy of collecting in ethnomusicology. It critiques that impulse to appropriate and represent the ‘other.' Read more about this Winter Quarter 2022 course, offered through the UW Honors Program, here

Ethnomusicology, Archives & Decolonization

Held online in Winter 2021, this UW Ethnomusicology mixed undergraduate and graduate student seminar critiqued ethnomusicology and its archives through the lens of its colonial and exclusionary colonial legacies. 

Sound Archiving in Ethnomusicology

First offered by archivist Laurel Sercombe, this UW Ethnomusicology Program course explores both the history and present day sate of sound recoding archiving in the field of ethnomusicology. 

Sonic Spain

This UW Study Abroad class is an interdisciplinary mix, one that blends elements of ethnomusicology, Spanish music history, and popular music studies. Both traditional and contemporary Spanish musical practices were explored, from time honored Leonese jota to emerging Madrid hip-hop.

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