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BIS 331: Journalism and Media History (Hsu): Scholarly Analysis

Scholarly Analysis

Scholarly Analysis: What have historians or scholars said about this photograph?

Lewis Hine

Lewis Hine's Young Drive in Mine photo

Image: Hine, Lewis. "Young Driver in Mine." Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. Date of access 21 Jan. 2020, <>


Research what other scholars have said

Use the article databases below to research what historians and scholars have said about your photograph.

Remember: If you cannot find articles about your specific photo, you can still use articles about the photographer's work in general, or photos that are similar in terms of historical or social context.

Example searches:

  • "Dorothea Lange" and "migrant mother"
  • "Dorothea Lange" and internment and photograph
  • photographs and "Japanese American internment"
  • "Eddie Adams" and execution
  • "Vietnam War" and photography