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American Sign Language Subject Guide: Find Books & Videos

UW Libraries Search

Tips for finding books

The UWB/CC Campus Library owns many books and films about American Sign Language, Deafness, Deaf culture, and other related topics.

Enter one or more keywords into the search box above and click Search to find books and other media. 

  • Use the filters in the left sidebar to limit by resource type (for example, Print Books), library (for example, UW Bothell/CC Library), and more. Make sure to click on Apply Filters.
  • For eBooks, click on the Access Options button, then the link provided to access the resource:

If the UWB/CC Campus Library doesn't have what you need, you can request to have materials delivered to Bothell from any of the UW Libraries.

Please Ask Us for help if you have any  trouble finding what you need!

Subject Guide

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Tamara Garrard
UWB/CC Campus Library
(425) 352-3363