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BES 301: Science Methods & Practice (Price): Search Strategies

Three ways to narrow

  1. Conceptually, with keywords 
    Example: Women AND STEM --> women AND mathematics

  2. Mathematically, with Boolean logic
    Example: women AND mathematics --> AND … anything else, e.g.,
    women AND mathematics AND (industry OR employment OR jobs)

  3. Database/interface-assisted, with limiters
    Example: Women AND mathematics --> limited to peer reviewed journals, published 2000 or later, geographically limited to the United States

Boolean Search Video

More Boolean Tutorials

Other Search Tools

Truncation: *

  • The * is a common symbol used to replace any number of letters at the ends of words
  • Helps find singulars, plurals, and variant endings of words
  • Check each database's help pages to see which truncation symbol is used in that particular database
  • Example: vot* finds vote, votes, voter, voting, etc.
  • Example: communit* finds community, communities 

Most databases let you limit search results. Some limits include:

  • Language  
  • Publication type
  • Date of Publication, etc.

Phrases: " "

  • Enclose phrases in quotation marks when searching the Web or most databases
  • Phrase searching in individual databases may vary. Check the help pages in each database for additional information.
  • Example: "voter registration" 
  • Example: "electoral college"