RLG Preservation Microfilming Handbook (PDF) - Guidelines for microfilming books and journals (prefilming, targeting, and filming technical requirements).
Guidelines for Newspaper Preservation Microfilming - International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) report on microfilming newspapers.
Managing Microforms in the Digital Age - Basic information about managing microform collections from the American Library Association.
Microfilm and Microfiche Preservation Leaflet - General microfilm preservation care and handling information from NEDCC.
RLG Archives Microfilming Manual (PDF) - Best practices for microfilming archival materials.
Storage and Preservation of Microfilms (PDF) - In-depth guide from the company formerly known as Eastman-Kodak.
Format ID Guide: Microforms - A visual identification guide to microfilm and related media from the Preservation Self-Assessment Program (PSAP).
Digitizing Microfilm and Optical Character Recognition - Microfilm digitization resources from the National Digital Newspapers Program (NDNP). See also NDNPs Guidelines and Resources page.
RLG Guidelines for Microfilming to Support Digitization and IFLA's Microfilming for Digitisaton and Optical Character Recognition discuss the creation of microfilm to support future digitization efforts.