The UWB/CC Campus Library media collection is located on the first floor of the library. Videos are arranged by accession number (basically in order of when each item arrives). Unfortunately they are not ordered by genre, title, or director, so they can be hard to browse. We recommend you use UW Libraries Search to find the call number first and then go to the shelves. The DVDs and VHS are on the 1st floor.
Search tips: Use the Advanced Search
There are two primary ways to find streaming videos that the UW Libraries has licensed for UW and Cascadia students, faculty and staff:
1. Check the e-Video Guide for UW-Licensed collections. This guide gathers in a single place all of the major collections of streaming video that UW Libraries has licensed for educational use. There are some good starting places in the box on the right side of this page.
2. Use UW Libraries Search to search for content. Online/streaming video will have an “eVideo” resource type icon and it will say “Online access” just below the cataloging information.