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Campus Library Assessment Team: International Student Project: Home

Materials from the UWB/CCC Campus Library Assessment Team's ALA 2014 and Library Assessment Conference 2014 poster sessions

Library Assessment Conference 2014 Poster Session

A poster session by the Assessment Team at the Campus Library,
serving the University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia Community College

Image of poster presentation

ALA 2014 Annual Conference Poster Session

A poster session by the Assessment Team at the Campus Library,
serving the University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia Community College
Image of poster presentation

Introduction & Context

Since 2010, University of Washington Bothell’s international student enrollment increased eightfold, and Cascadia Community College’s enrollment doubled. To address the emerging needs of this population on campus, the Campus Library’s Assessment Team sought to determine how international students experience and use library spaces and services, how they seek information, and what barriers they experience to the access and use of library resources, including staff and librarians.

Our research question: How do international students use library services, resources, and spaces?

  • Where do international students start when they have a challenging assignment?
  • Where do international students go to get help when they need it? How do students prefer to get assistance?
  • Where do international students work, and how do they use library and other campus spaces for their work?
  • How can the library better support student learning for international students?
  • What prior experiences of libraries/information seeking do different groups of international students bring to UWB/CCC?
  • What barriers do international students perceive/encounter in utilizing library resources and services?

Assessment Team Project Participants

Jackie Belanger -

Alyssa Berger -

Leslie Bussert Hurst -

Althea Lazzaro -

Sharde Mills -

Dani Rowland -

Ana Villar -

Megan Watson -