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Interlibrary Loan Guide: How to Retrieve Requests

For UWB Nursing and Health Studies Students

How to retrieve your requested articles directly from your Interlibrary Loan & Scanning Services Account

  1. From the library homepage at
  2. Click on the "Services” link at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the “Interlibrary Loan: UWB” link.
  4. Underneath the header “User Services” click on the “Your ILL Account” link.
  5. Enter in your UW NetID and Password and click on the “Log in” button.
  6. This will bring you to the Main Menu screen, as illustrated below. Look for the “View” header.
  • Click on the “DOWNLOAD your scan” link to retrieve your articles.
  • Click on the “All Requests” link to check on the status of your requests.

UW Interlibrary Loan Menu options