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Bandt, H., Vanderpool, R., et al. (2019). "A multi-site case study of community-clinical linkages for promoting HPV vaccination." Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 15(7-8). (Jason Daniel-Ulloa, Lecturer in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Cardenas, S. (2019). "Sociology a game changer in computer science programs." Proceedings: Frontiers in Education Conference. (Soraya Cardenas, Tenured Faculty, Cascadia College.)

Dimmit, L., Maxwell, C., and Nesvig, C. (2019). "Librarians as critical friends: developing a sustainable peer observation process." College & Research Libraries News, 80(4). (Laura Dimmit and Chelsea Nesvig, UWB/CC Librarians.)

Griffin, M. (2018). "Of Boxes and pen: Forged and forging racial categories at a wartime U.S. University." In Education at War: The Fight for Students of Color in America's Public Schools. (Maryam S. Griffin, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Hartmann, W., St. Arnault, D., Gone, J. (2018). "A return to "the clinic" for community psychology: Lessons from a clinical ethnography in urban American Indian behavioral health." American Journal of Community Psychology, 61 (1-2). (William Hartmann, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Hartmann, W., Wendt, D. (2019). "American Indian historical trauma: Anticolonial prescriptions for healing, resilience, and survivance." American Psychologist, 74 (1). (William Hartmann, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Hiebert, T. & Jung, J-K. (2019). "Psychogeographic visualizations: or, what is it like to be a bat?" Cultural Geographies. (Ted Hiebert and Jin-Kyu Jung, Associate Professors in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Lambacher, J. (2019). "The good fight: To succeed, the Green New Deal needs people arguing about it." The New Republic, 250 (5).(Jason Lambacher, Lecturer in the School of Environmental & Global Studies, UW Bothell.)

Lasker, G. (2019). "Connecting Systems Thinking and Service Learning in the Chemistry Classroom."Journal of Chemical Education. (Grace Lasker, Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Lasker, G. & Brush, E. (2019). "Integrating social and environmental justice into the chemistry classroom: a chemist's toolbox." Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 12(2). (Grace Lasker, Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Padilla, Y. (2018). "Borderlands Letrados: La Crónica, the Mexican Revolution, and Transnational Critique on the US-Mexico Border." English Language Notes, 56(2). (Yolanda Padilla, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Paparella, P. (2019). "Eisenstein's criterion, Fermat's last theorem, and a conjecture on powerful numbers." Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 25(2). (Pietro Paparella, Assistant Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

Paparella, P. and Taylor, G. (2019). "The Volume of the Trace Non-Negative Polytope via the Irwin-Hall Distribution." Minnesota Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics, 4(1). (Pietro Paparella, Assistant Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

Paparella, P. and Thrall, A. (2019). "Realizing Suleĭmanova spectra via permutative matrices, II." Linear Algebra and its Applications, 566. (Pietro Paparella, Assistant Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

Parker, E., Baquero, B., Daniel-Ulloa, J., et al. (2019). "Establishing a Community-Based Participatory Research Partnership in a Rural Community in the MIdwest." Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 13(2). (Jason Daniel-Ulloa, Lecturer in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Parker, S. & Richards, E. (2020). "The Application and Hiring Process for Community College Faculty." Journal of Political Science Education, 16(1). (Erin Richards, Senior II Tenured Faculty, Cascadia College.)

Scherr, R., Plisch, M., et al. (2017). "Fixed and growth mindsets in physics graduate admission." Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13 (2). (Rachel Scherr, Assistant Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

Scherr, R., Plisch, M., and Goertzen, R. (2017). "Sustaining Physics Teacher Education Coalition programs in physics teacher education." Physical Review Physics Education, 13 (1). (Rachel Scherr, Assistant Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

Shayne, J. & Manfredi, J. (2019). "Reflections on Activist Scholarship in the Trump-Bolsonaro Era: Dual Hemisphere Hate Transforms Intellectual Praxis into Political Imperative." CS Ciencias Sociales, no.29. (Julie Shayne, Principal Lecturer and Faculty Coordinator in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell, and Jessica Manfredi, UW Bothell IAS alum.)

Books, Media, Creative Work

Chen, Ching-In. (2019). "Self-Portrait, Cannibal/Reversal/Break In/Benediction." Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 18(2). (Ching-In Chen, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.)

Chen, Ching-In (2019). "Self-Portrait, Shipping Container/Driving Through Night/Jury." Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism 18(2). (Ching-In Chen, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.)

Daniel-Ulloa, J. (2019). "Daily Burden," "My Body Is my Witness," and "Stand." In Latinx Salud Poems: An Inaugural Collection. Latino Caucus for Public Health. (Jason Daniel-Ulloa, Lecturer in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Daniel-Ulloa, J., Ornelas, I., & Escoto, A. "Cultural, Social and Historical Factors Influencing Latino Men’s Health." Chapter of Men's health equity: a handbook, edited by D. Griffith, M. Bruce, and R. Thorpe, Jr. (Jason Daniel-Ulloa, Lecturer in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Doyle, E., Ward, S., & Early, J. (2019). The Process of Community Health Education and Promotion. Waveland Press, Inc. (Jody Early, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Sundar, A. (2018). Brand Touchpoints. Nova Science Pub., Inc. (Aparna Sundar, Part-Time Lecturer in the School of Business, UW Bothell.)

Thomas, C. (2019). "Daffodil" and "The Red Napkin." Clamor. (Cora Thomas, Campus Library staff member.)

UWB Zine Queenz (2019). "Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest." University of Washington Bothell, University of Washington Libraries. ("Rad Women in the Global South" Class and Julie Shayne, Principal Lecturer and Faculty Coordinator in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)