These databases will help you find citations for, or even the full text of, articles published in journals, magazines, and newspapers. These articles can be longer in length and scholarly (research articles and reports), or somewhat shorter (news briefs or book reviews).
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Journal articles in the field of sociology, including international literature and other related disciplines.
Do you ever wonder what's going on with the various sections of a scholarly journal article?
This video from North Caroline State University Libraries on "Anatomy of a Scholarly Article" helps learners identify the general purpose of each scholarly article section and what kind of information you're likely to find there. The NCSU Libraries folks are also those who brought us the (famous amongst librarians) original "Anatomy of a Scholarly Article" tutorial.
Depending on how you like to learn, here are additional information pages and tutorials that you'll find helpful:
Remember: skimming or selectively reading certain sections of a scholarly article can help you grasp its main message and whether it's useful-- then, if you think the article will be helpful for your research project, you can read it through more carefully later in your process.