When you have created a search on your topic, you can set up an automated search.
You will receive email messages when references on your topic are added to the database.
This will let you keep up with the literature more easily and will give you time to consider alternatives to current practices.
1. Sign into your MyNCBI account.
2. Run your search, including any filters.
3. Click "Create alert."
4. On the next screen, your search strategy will appear in the "name of saved search" box.
5. Edit the search name to something short, yet meaningful, e.g., PET models for angiogenesis.
6. Schedule the frequency of the updates and whether you want to receive abstracts. Increase the "number of items" so that you won't miss new references.
7. Click "Save."
In Embase and Web of Science, you can set up an email alert easily from the Search Results page.
Web of Science Core Collection