The web version of Mendeley allows access to the networking features available in Mendeley as well as your library. When you log on to Mendeley in your web browser, the first page you come to will be Mendeley's search function. This allows you to search within Mendeley's own database of articles for an easy way to add references to your library.
To access your library, click on "Library" in the upper right corner of your page.
The web version of the Mendeley library page has two panels representing different levels of information about your references.
The Left Sidebar Panel shows your Mendeley library and named collections, as well as your Mendeley "Groups", "Trash", "Filters" and "Tags" .
The Main Panel lists items contained within the library or collection that you select in the Left Sidebar Panel. Information about each item is can be found in the individual entry for that document.
- When you click on an item in your library, a sidebar will open on the right side of your screen with Info, Annotations, and Notebook. See Mendeley - Organizing Your Library for more information on Annotations and Notebook.

[Gif that shows right info panel opening up]