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Global Studies: Language Learning Resources

Research guide for global studies at the University of Washington Bothell & Cascadia College

Pimsleur Language Audiobooks

The UW Libraries collection of Pimsleur audiobooks includes many different languages - from French to Ojibwe!  Check out a list of available languages here.  You can listen from your computer or download to a mobile device.

Download one and start learning today!

Learn Arabic

Learn Swahili


Learn Korean


Learn Spanish

For additional help with finding and using Pimsleur language audiobooks from the UW Libraries, watch this short video



  • Livemocha
    Online language learning community with a fair amount of free content. Users can connect with native speakers, take free basic language courses, and submit exercises for community review.
  • BBC Languages
    Audio and video courses for a handful of languages and basic information on 40 more.
  • iTunes U Language Courses
    Free audio language lessons (requires iTunes).
  • Forvo: The Pronunciation Guide
    Web resource featuring native speaker pronunciations of words from over 200 languages. 


Local Public Library Resources

You will need to have a borrowers card at one of the following library systems in order to access these online language resources.

Non-English News


Other UW Libraries Resources

UW Libraries has many subject-specific guides that provide access to resources organized by topic. Guides that may be of interest to language students include:

Resources on Campus