Book stacks on the 3rd floor.
The Campus Library is open to the public, so you and your students are welcome to visit! If you are bringing a group of students to the Library, please consider the following:
If your students are planning on doing research in the Campus Library while you are here, you will want to make sure they are well prepared for their voyage into our complex (and wonderful!) academic research environment. Here are some important things to know before you visit:
If you are visiting UWB/CC Campus Library as a general introduction to college culture and as an opportunity to see a college-level research library, make sure to arrange for a campus tour from UW Bothell or Cascadia College while you are visiting.
This research guide is a great starting point for your students' research! Note that I point to resources in nearby public libraries as well as here at the Campus Library. This is because your students will likely have a greater level access to their public library resources (i.e. remote access to research databases, ability to check out books). Students can then supplement those resources with a visit to the Bothell Campus Library or other UW Libraries in Seattle and Tacoma.
A librarian may be able to provide your group with a brief (up to 1 hour) introduction to library research in a computer classroom, if resources are available. Due to a growing demand for library instruction from UW Bothell and Cascadia College, we are now only able to consider requests for instruction if the date of your visit will fall after week eight of the term or during an interim break. If you are interested in a brief instruction session, you must call or email me three or more weeks in advance, and I will work with you to determine whether the library has staffing and space available on a date that will work for you.