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The Atlantic

To access using the UW Libraries subscription:

  1. Go to The Atlantic's sign-in page 
  2. Click the "Sign in through your institution" link at the bottom of the page
  3. Find University of Washington and click Continue
  4. Enter your UW NetID and password
  5. You will be asked to provide some personal information, but YOU MAY SKIP this part and proceed directly to 
  6. You are now behind the paywall at
    You should only need to do this once as long as you don't clear your browser.
    If you clear it or get disconnected, simply go back to the sign-in page and follow steps 1-5.  


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Additional access to The Atlantic through UW Libraries:

  • The Atlantic from 1993 to current is also available in text-only format (no photos or graphics) in Access World News and Academic Search Complete. See UW Libraries Search for access.
  • 1932-1971, 1981 to current in paper format in Suzzallo and Allen Libraries Stacks at call number AP2 .A8
  • Odegaard Undergraduate Library, UW Tacoma Library, and UW Bothell CC Library have current issues.