The Pistoia Alliance Chemical Safety Library (CSL) includes crowd sourced data content containing hazardous reactions that can be used to alert scientists to potential dangerous experiments. CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, is committed to increasing safety in the lab and has provided this open access platform to serve scientists worldwide.
Contains information on Structure, Substance Identification, Toxicity, Physical Properties, Molecular Weight, and Locator Codes. Compiled by the National Library of Medicine.
Free source from Chemical Abstracts which helps users go from chemical name to CAS RN or from CAS RN to chemical name for 7,900 commonly used compounds
In this database you can find scientific research data - such as computer simulations, numeric data files, figures and plots, interactive maps, multimedia, and scientific images.
Learn more about what's in these products, about potential health effects, and about safety and handling. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This is a freely accessible database of chemical structures of small organic molecules and information on their biological activities. From the National Library of Medicine.