Use the database links below to find citations and sometimes the full text of articles.
Connecting to UW-restricted databases from home: As a UW student, you have access to all the "UW restricted" databases. Click on the database name below, and when you are not on campus, you should be prompted to login with you UW NetID and password.
Remember, if you can't find the full text of an article in one of these databases, check the UW Libraries Search system to see if it is available. For more information see the Search for an article title in UW Libraries Search page and the CINAHL Tutorials page. To request electronic copies of journal articles that are not available online use our Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery Services.
More databases links: More Article Databases for Nursing Research, the full list of databases, Campus Library research guides,and the UW Libraries research guides
Journal articles in the field of sociology, including international literature and other related disciplines.