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Communication Studies (CMST): Public Speaking

Speeches Repositories

African American History: Major Speeches
The complete text of nearly 300 major speeches by African Americans, from 1789 to today.
American Rhetoric
Includes full text, audio, and video versions of public speeches, movies, songs, and more.
Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World
This site preserves and provides access to speeches by "influential contemporary women" from around the world. Browse for speeches by speakers' name or by year and see a list of the "Top 100 American Speeches of the20th century"

Speech Resources Online

Rhetorical Situations
Maintained by the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), this guide breaks down five fundamental considerations for every sound speech. Great for writing your own speech or analyzing existing speeches

Silva Rhetoricae - The Forest of Rhetoric
Maintained by Bringham Young university, this guide provides definitions, use-cases, and connections between an exhaustive range of rhetorical terms and concepts

Written by Aristotle and translated by W. Rhys Roberts, this is an online, searchable version of the foundational text of rhetoric in the Western tradition

Rhetoric Society of America - Scholarly Resources
This page, assembled by a national scholarly organization, lists resources for scholarly study of rhetoric & public speaking

Books on Public Speaking

Search Tip: For more books on public speaking, search for the phrase "public speaking" in UW Libraries Search.