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You are welcome at the UW Bothell and Cascadia College Campus Library. I am one of the Research & Instruction Librarians here, and I currently act as subject liaison for Computer Sciences & Engineering.

I am so glad you're checking out this information and trying to contact me. If you have an urgent question or issue, you can seek real-time support with our "Ask a Question" services.

For more information on the Campus Library's current operations, check out our Operations Updates page.

How I Can Help You

Students, here are a few ways I can support you and your work:

  • respond to your questions via e-mail or Zoom (and in Zoom meetings with me, you are welcome to mute video)
  • consult one-on-one to develop strategies and seek sources for your research projects
    • brainstorm research ideas, questions, and keywords or phrases
    • support your developing a research process that works for you
    • develop citations for integrating your sources into your projects
  • connect you with services and resources available through the Campus Library and beyond
  • for more, please check out our Student Guide

Faculty, here are a few ways I can support you and your work:

  • respond to your questions via e-mail or Zoom (and in Zoom meetings with me, you are welcome to mute video)
  • (to quote our Teaching & Learning Philosophy) collaborate "across the curriculum to foster in students the critical thinking and research abilities necessary for academic success, and to instill lifelong learning strategies which prepare students to be information-fluent global citizens"
  • for more, please check out our Teaching & Learning Guide, particularly the Teaching with Your Librarian page


Research & Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Je Salvador
ey/em, they/them, he/him, she/her
phone: 425-352-5241

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Land & Waters Acknowledgment

The UWB & CC Campus Library occupies Land that has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples-- specifically, Sammamish people and their relations-- Since Time Immemorial. This campus is located on property arbitrated in the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott, by which settler colonists coerced Coast Salish-speaking people to reservations and tribal leaders preserved their peoples’ fishing, gathering, and hunting rights. "There are many creative ways to take restorative measures and even to give [L]and back, such as by returning U.S. national parks to the appropriate tribes" (Sobo, Lambert, & Lambert; 2021). Today, descendants of the Sammamish people are members of several thriving Indigenous communities along the Salish Sea. I honor these communities, their elders, the Land itself, and the shared Waters it touches.

Sobo, E., Lambert, M., & Lambert, V. (2021, October 7). Land acknowledgments meant to honor Indigenous people too often do the opposite – erasing American Indians and sanitizing history instead. The Conversation.