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United States Federal Government Resources: Finding Books & Articles

Starting Points

Government Electronic Fulltext Sources

Search WorldCat for Books

  • Worldcat
    Especially useful when you want to search as broadly as possible for a topic or when you are seeking a relatively rare item that isn't likely to be available at the UW. It also facilitates borrowing books from other libraries.

Tips for searching WorldCat for Books related to government:

  • Try a keyword search:  government and your topic.  For example, the search for "government and spotted owl" will give you dozens of results.  Use the choices in the left sidebar to limit the search.  Choosing Washington (State) under Author leads to a small list of books by government authors.
  • Use the Topic limit in the left sidebar to narrow the scope of your search.  In the example search for government and spotted owl, choosing the topic agriculture leads to the publication from the Washington Forest Practices Board.
  • Getting too many results? Don't want to wait for interlibrary loan?
    Try UW Libraries Search for items *only* in our system and Summit.


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Homeland Security Digital Library

HSDL in the center of a circle with 12 blue stars underneath and 6 rays of red at the top against a blue background.

research collection of open-source resources related to policy, strategy and organizational management.  Image credit:  Homeland Security Digital Library.