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English Foundations & International Student Guide: Language Resources

Resources for English Language Learners & International Students at UW Bothell & Cascadia College.

BBC Learning English Resources

BBC's free English language learning site. A few of the features you can use include:

  1. 6-Minute English: Audio that introduces you to new vocabulary and language concepts.
  2. The English We Speak: Demonstrates how to use idioms and common English expressions. 
  3. News Review: Learn the English vocabulary behind today's major news stories. 

Language Dictionaries Online

Useful English Dictionaries in the Library

Pimsleur Language Audiobooks

With Pimsleur audiobooks, you listen to learn another language. The Pimsleur Language Program is an integrated system that immerses you in the language, encouraging you to hear, understand and use the language all at the same time.

The UW Libraries collection of Pimsleur audiobooks includes many different languages - from French to Ojibwe!  Check out a list of available languages here.  You can listen from your computer or download to a mobile device.

Download one and start learning today!


Cover of Pimsleur Learn Arabic

Learn Arabic

Cover of Pimsleur Swahili

Learn Swahili


Cover of Pimsleur Korean

Learn Korean


Cover of Pimsleur Spanish

Learn Spanish


News and Magazines for Learning English

Websites for Learning English

Non-English News

Local Public Library Resources

Other UW Libraries Resources

UW Libraries has many subject-specific guides that provide access to resources organized by topic. Guides that may be of interest to language students include: