“I want us to consider our relationship with land - to think about it beyond squabbling over ownership and rights and to think about responsibilities and reciprocal relationship. To think of ourselves as a part of creation rather than apart from it. What if the land is a being in its own right?”
--Patty Krawec, Becoming Kin
For the 2024-2025 academic year, Community Reads will center our programming around the book Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Guide to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining the Future by Patty Krawec, in support of our overall theme of decolonization. In the university today, the word decolonization is regularly used to describe a general change in mind or theoretical approach, but it is essential that we also engage with the material impacts of the theft of Indigenous land and disappearance of Indigenous people. As a team composed of settlers on Indigenous lands, working in a university system built on those foundations, we have chosen to spend this year reckoning with the topic of decolonization. What does it mean? What can we actually do about it? And how can we push to be in better relationship with the land and everyone around us?
Each quarter, we will focus on a different chapter of this book, looking at both the settler-colonial history of the US and Canada and Indigenous futures from a relational perspective. We will engage with our own understandings of decolonization while also using the book’s structured calls to action as a way to move forward and reexamine the history and stories that dominate our culture.
Stay tuned as we announce our reading selections for Spring quarter!
We wil have two events in Spring Quarter, please save these dates--
Date: Wednesday, May 7
Time: 1:00-2:30 PM
Location: LB1-205
Date: Tuesday, May 13
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Location: Online/Zoom