Librarians are available to consult with faculty about open student work. We can collaborate with faculty in the following areas:
Faculty can contact their subject librarian or Denise Hattwig to discuss.
Librarians are available to collaborate with you to teach open access, Creative Commons, copyright, public impact of open scholarship, student knowledge production and student participation in scholarly conversations, metadata, digital scholarship tools, and student rights and responsibilities in open environments.
Collaborative instruction to teach concepts and practices related to working openly may include workshops in the following areas:
We are experienced with workshops of this type and would be happy to work with faculty to teach related content. In cases where the Library is a project partner and/or when the project is hosted by the Library, we are available to teach workshops with project-affiliated courses.
Faculty can contact their subject librarian or Denise Hattwig to discuss.
The below form is an example of a Student Project Agreement form that the Library requires of all students who are making their work available openly via UW Libraries' platforms. This form allows the Library to host open student work, and can also be used as an educational tool to help students understand their rights and responsibilities in open environments. This form has been reviewed and approved by the UW's Attorney General's office.
Faculty working with student on open projects outside of Libraries platforms are welcome to adapt this form for other open student-involved projects.