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BHS 501: Social Justice and Ethics (Iyer): Interlibrary Loan

Links for the UW Libraries Interlibrary Loan Services and Information

Information about requesting articles from UW Interlibrary Loan

Please let us know if you have any questions at (425) 352-5340. More contact information is located online at 

  1. If you cannot find the journal available at the Bothell Campus or online through the UW Libraries Search system,  you are welcome to request it through the UW Libraries Interlibrary Loan service.
  2. Go to the Interlibrary Loan page and click on the "Log In W" button to set-up your account or make a request.
  3. If the article exists in the UW Libraries expect 2 to 3 business days for your request to be completed.
  4. If the article must be requested from a library outside of the UW network, it could take one week for delivery. Books can take longer for delivery.