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BHS 501: Social Justice and Ethics (Iyer): Finding Articles

Article Databases

Use the database links below to find citations and sometimes the full text of articles. As a UW student, you have access to all the "UW restricted" databases. Click on the database name below, and when you are not on campus, you should be prompted to login with you UW NetID and password.

Remember, if you can't find the full text of an article in one of these databases, check the UW Libraries Search system to see if it is available. For more information see the Search for an article title in UW Libraries Search page and the CINAHL Tutorials page. To request electronic copies of journal articles that are not available online use our Interlibrary Loan & Scanning Services.

*All of the database descriptions that start with an *asterisk* below are EbscoHost databases. They can be searched all at once by going into one of them, and then clicking on the "Choose Databases" link above the search boxes; see the image on this page. Then select the names that you want to search in, such as Academic Search Complete, ATLA Religion, CINAHL, Education Source, ERIC,  Exploring Race in Society, Global Health, MedLine, Philosopher's Index, PsycArticles, PsycInfo, PsycTests, and Social Work Abstracts.

Please Note: The UW Libraries has transitioned to the new EbscoHost interface as of Sept. 11, 2024, which might make some of the instructions below inaccurate. Many of the video tutorials are not up-to-date and they will be updated in the summer 2025 when the interface had been finalized. We will be learning together about the changes this year. Please have patience while we are create new instructions, as it is a work in progress as EBSCO continues to build the interface during this academic year.