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Community Reads ARCHIVE: Community Reads: Fall 2018 | When They Call You A Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir

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We currently have a limited number of free copies to give to our Campus community members.  Please visit the library to receive yours.  Thank you to the UWB Diversity Council and the UW Race and Equity Initiative.

Read an Excerpt

Discussion Guide

Additional Resources

Further Reading

Community Reads Team Contacts: Summer-Fall 2018

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Event Details

Everyone is invited: 

UW Bothell and Cascadia College students, faculty, and staff are invited to a discussion of When They Call You A Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele. Patrisse Khan-Cullors will be visiting our campus on Sept. 27, 2018! This event will be an opportunity to continue and expand on discussions raised by her visit.

Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Place: LB1 - 205

Our goals for the Community Reads program are to:

  • Build community through a common intellectual experience.
  • Promote engagement with thoughtful, noteworthy works of literature or scholarship related to issues of equity and social justice across the UWB/CC campus and community.
  • Offer instructors an opportunity to invigorate curriculum with vital issues and community conversation.

At the Event:

Community Reads aims to inspire dialog about important issues facing our diverse campus communities. Join campus community members as we discuss themes from the book and generate ideas for communication tools that you can carry forward to your daily life. 

About the Book

Book cover image of When They Call You A Terrorist.

"A poetic and powerful memoir about what it means to be a Black woman in America—and the co-founding of a movement that demands justice for all in the land of the free.

Raised by a single mother in an impoverished neighborhood in Los Angeles, Patrisse Khan-Cullors experienced firsthand the prejudice and persecution Black Americans endure at the hands of law enforcement. For Patrisse, the most vulnerable people in the country are Black people. Deliberately and ruthlessly targeted by a criminal justice system serving a white privilege agenda, Black people are subjected to unjustifiable racial profiling and police brutality. In 2013, when Trayvon Martin’s killer went free, Patrisse’s outrage led her to co-found Black Lives Matter with Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi.

Condemned as terrorists and as a threat to America, these loving women founded a hashtag that birthed the movement to demand accountability from the authorities who continually turn a blind eye to the injustices inflicted upon people of Black and Brown skin. 

Championing human rights in the face of violent racism, Patrisse is a survivor. She transformed her personal pain into political power, giving voice to a people suffering in equality and a movement fueled by her strength and love to tell the country—and the world—that Black Lives Matter.

When They Call You a Terrorist is Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele’s reflection on humanity. It is an empowering account of survival, strength and resilience and a call to action to change the culture that declares innocent Black life expendable."

About the Authors

Patrisse Khan-Cullors (left) is an artist, organizer, and freedom fighter from Los Angeles, CA. Co-founder of Black Lives Matter, she is also a performance artist, a Fulbright scholar, a popular public speaker, and the 2017 Sydney Peace Prize recipient.

asha bandele (right) is the award-winning author of The Prisoner’s Wife and several other works. Honored for her work in journalism and activism, asha is a mother, a former senior editor at Essence Magazine and a senior director at the Drug Policy Alliance.

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