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Community Reads ARCHIVE: Community Reads: Spring 2018 | So You Want to Talk About Race

Event Discussion Outcomes

Participants were asked to "write down something to share. It could be a concept that you will use in your next conversation about race, or an action that you plan to take." See what we came up with below! Click the file link below to zoom in and read all of the responses.

Get The Book

Borrow from a Local Library
Copies are available through King County Library SystemSno-Isle Libraries, and Seattle Public Libraries.  Audio and eBook versions also available.

Purchase from a Local Bookstore

Third Place Books - a local, independent bookseller in Lake Forest Park & Seattle, WA
University Bookstore - located in Bothell, the U-District, Mill Creek and Tacoma

Read an Excerpt

Discussion Guide

Further Reading

Community Reads Team Contacts: Spring 2018

Contact members of the team via email with questions, comments, or concerns:

Chloe Horning
Cora Thomas
Nicole Gustavsen
Sarah Leadley
Tami Garrard

About the Book

Cover image of So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

In this breakout book, Ijeoma Oluo explores the complex reality of today’s racial landscape—from white privilege and police brutality to systemic discrimination and the Black Lives Matter movement—offering straightforward clarity that readers need to contribute to the dismantling of the racial divide.

In So You Want to Talk About Race, Editor at Large of The Establishment Ijeoma Oluo offers a contemporary, accessible take on the racial landscape in America, addressing head-on such issues as privilege, police brutality, intersectionality, micro-aggressions, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the “N” word. Perfectly positioned to bridge the gap between people of color and white Americans struggling with race complexities, Oluo answers the questions readers don’t dare ask, and explains the concepts that continue to elude everyday Americans.


About the Author

Image of the author, Ijeoma Oluo

Ijeoma Oluo is a writer and speaker whose work on race has been featured in The Guardian, New York magazine, xoJane, Jezebel, and more. She is also an editor-at-large at The Establishment, and Seattle magazine named her “one of the most influential people” in Seattle. --From

The author was the Keynote speaker at The UW Bothell Equity and Inclusion Conference in February 2018. 

Looking for more?

If you are looking for more material by Ijeoma Olou you are in luck. The author has many writings and interviews available online.

 Whether you read the book and want to hear more from the author, or would like to familiarize yourself with her work before coming to the event (even if you haven't had time to read the book yet!) there's something for everyone available through the links below. 


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Event Details

Everyone is invited

UW Bothell and Cascadia College students, faculty, and staff are invited to a discussion of "So You Want to Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo. Please join us in this important community conversation.

Date: Thursday May 24, 2018

Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Place: LB1-205 

Get the Book:

The free copies of our book were very popular, and we are sad to say we're now out of them. We are thankful to the UW Bothell Diversity Seed Grant for funding them. We have two copies of So You Want to Talk About Race on reserve at the circulation desk on the first floor of the library, and they can be checked out for up to 72 hours each.

Our goals for the Community Reads program are to:

  • Build community through a common intellectual experience.
  • Promote engagement with thoughtful, noteworthy works of literature or scholarship related to issues of equity and social justice across the UWB/CC campus and community.
  • Offer instructors an opportunity to invigorate curriculum with vital issues and community conversation.

At the Event:

Community Reads aims to inspire dialog about important issues facing our diverse campus communities. Join campus community members as we discuss themes from the book and generate ideas for communication tools that you can carry forward to your daily life.