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EndNote - Basic (Online) & Desktop

This guide contains information on the citation management tool EndNote. Content references both the Basic (Online/Free) version and the Desktop (Paid) version.


What is EndNote Online?

  • A web-based program that allows you to store, edit, and manage citations.
  • Citations from many databases may be imported into your online account directly or from saved files of references.
  • Works with Microsoft Word (requires free Cite While You Write plug-in) to allow you to automatically create in-text citations and bibliographies in a choice of publishing styles. It does not yet work with Google Docs - you will need to use Zotero if you write with Google Docs.
  • Allows online sharing of folders of citations for collaborative projects.
  • Available in 3 levels of features:
User Type Records Allowed Attachments Access to Styles,
Filters, Connection Files



50,000 2G


(21 most popular styles)

Web of Science Subscribers 

(log in via the link below or from within Web of Science) 

50,000 2G all available

Desktop EndNote Owners

(sync to EndNote Basic account from within EndNote)

unlimited unlimited all available

Create An Account

EndNote Online

Go to the EndNote Basic website,

Sign up for an EndNote account.  You can use your UW email address and any password with your EndNote online account.  

EndNote online



Explore the EndNote Basic Interface

 EndNote Basic tools

In order for EndNote Web to work with Microsoft Word, you must download the Cite While You Write (CWYW)  plug-in. You must close all Office documents (email, word, excel) when you go to download the CWYW plug in.