EndNote - Basic (Online) & Desktop
Installation/Technical Issues
After installing EndNote and opening Word, I do not see the EndNote toolbar or commands under the Tools menu. How can I fix this?
EndNote has a list of FAQs: Working with wordprocessors.
How can I transfer references from RefWorks or Zotero into EndNote and EndNote Web?
EndNote has a list of FAQs.
I have a previous version of EndNote on my computer but I would like to upgrade to the latest version. Do I need to uninstall the previous version before upgrading to the latest version?
YES: EndNote recommends that you back up any existing EndNote library files and any customized content files (e.g. styles, connection files, and import filters), close all open programs, and then uninstall any older versions. Details from EndNote.
Working with EndNote
Should I use one library file for all my references, or separate libraries for different projects?
It may be easiest to use one library for everything and set up a separate group of references for each project, but it's entirely up to you. EndNote works fine with multiple library files.
I already have a long bibliography that I typed in Word. Can I convert it to an EndNote library?
Unfortunately there's no way to do this automatically. The best way is to search for your references online (if possible) and download them into EndNote.
How do Groups work in EndNote?
Groups make it easy to break a large library into subsets; a group is simply a subset of references that already exist in your library.
How do I get my journal names to abbreviate or show the full journal name properly?
See this EndNote support page.
The style I want is not listed in EndNote. What do I do?
EndNote ships with only the most commonly used output styles. To add other styles, you need to download them from the Style Finder.