Your EndNote purchase entitles you to a two-year free subscription to EndNote online and the option to synchronize the references (including files and figures) in your EndNote library with the references in your EndNote online library without having to export and import files.
You must first register and have an active EndNote online account to initiate the Sync process. Registration is fast and easy and activates your two-year EndNote online account. When completed, EndNote automatically proceeds with the Sync process and updates your new EndNote online library to match the custom groups in your EndNote library.
♦ I Do Not Have an EndNote Online Account
Once you create your EndNote online account, EndNote populates the fields on the Sync Preferences page with your e-mail address and password that you entered during registration. Later you can change the data in these fields at anytime if you change your e-mail address or password.
♦ I Already Have an EndNote online Account
Since you already have an EndNote online account, EndNote populates the fields on the Sync Preferences page with the e-mail address and password that you entered on the EndNote online login dialog. Later you can change the data in these fields if you ever change your e-mail address or password.
♦ Sync Preferences
Sync Preferences allow you to set your preferences so that:
To access Sync Preference, go to the EndNote menu, select Preferences, and then click Sync in the list of preferences.
♦ Accessing EndNote Online
To access your EndNote online account, go to and click the EndNote online login in the left-hand column.
NOTE: Attachments ARE NOT shared.