Materials on architecture can be found in various UW Libraries locations and other spots on campus.
- The UW Art Library has many books on architectural history and the decorative arts.
- Suzzallo and Allen Library has many volumes pertaining to architecture and architectural history. DVDs on architects and architectural subjects can also be found in Suzzallo Library's Media Collection.
- Books on Asian architectural history written in Asian languages can be found in the UW East Asia Library.
- Printed books and journals on topics of construction and civil engineering are located in the UW Engineering Library.
- Print volumes on interior design can be found in the Odegaard Undergraduate Library as well as the BE Library.
- UW Bothell and Tacoma Libraries also have books on architecture. Tacoma has a strong collection of urban design and planning books.
- Architectural drawings, photographs and manuscripts of Washington State commercial and residential buildings can be in the UW Libraries Special Collections Division, in the basement of Allen Library. Special Collections has the largest collection anywhere of architectural documents pertaining to the built history of Washington State. Special Collection also has rich collections of material on the design and construction of buildings and landscapes on the UW Campus. The UW Facilities Services Department also provides access to UW-affiliates to floor plans on campus buildings.
- Most microform copies of architectural periodicals are held in the UW Libraries' Government Publications, Maps, Microforms and Newspapers (formerly "MicNews") Division on the first floor of Suzzallo Library.
- Various types of maps, such as Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, can be found in UW Libraries' Government Publications, Maps, Microforms and Newspapers.
- Aerial photography showing changes in regional natural topography and growth of urban areas can be found in the UW Libraries' Government Publications, Maps, Microforms and Newspapers.
- Photographs of architecture, especially of local landmarks, can be accessed in the UW College of Built Environments' Visual Resources Collection located in Room 330 of Gould Hall.