Debate Club, University of Washington, ca. 1885
Use Google to limit your search (search within) a specific website by entering [site:url]. Examples:
These library databases include scholarly journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. They are UW Restricted (). UW students, faculty, and staff can log in with your UW NetID and password to access the databases from off campus.
The library databases provided by the same company (such as EBSCO) can be searched at the same time. This will save you time and usually provides more search results; however, the thesaurus terms/subjects/descriptors are specific to each database.
Multi-Disciplinary Databases (cover a lot of subjects):
Discipline-Specific Databases:
Articles by and about the political left, with an emphasis on economics, society, and culture.
Use Google Scholar to find journal articles, conference papers, theses & dissertations, academic websites and more in all subjects. Be sure to set your Google Scholar Settings by clicking on the button near the top of the screen. Select Library Links on the left and make sure "University of Washington Libraries - Check for Full-Text @ UW" is checked. This will link your results to UW Libraries e-journals.