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BIS 490: Asian American Media in the Pacific Northwest (Gustafson): Secondary Sources (Scholarly Literature)

Database searching tips

Use databases to find citations (and sometimes full text) to articles and other materials. There are specialized databases for various subjects.

  • AND returns results containing all terms:  Asian Americans AND education
  • OR returns results with either term:  Mexican Americans OR Latinos OR Chicanos
    Good for use with related terms or synonyms
  • Placing terms in parentheses ( ) indicates separate concepts, like an equation, (A or B) and C:
    AND (Mexican Americans OR Latinos OR Chicanos)
  • Placing two or more words in quotation marks " " returns results using that specific phrase:
    "African Americans"
  • Truncation * returns results with a root word and any ending: rac* [finds race, races, racial, racism ...]

Note:  some databases use different truncation symbols (* is most common; others include !, $, #). Check the online help if the asterisk doesn’t work.

Subject-specific Databases

Asian American Studies


Media/Communication Studies

General, Multi-disciplinary Databases

UW Libraries Search

Selected Books