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*Cite and Analyze Business Information: Company, Industry, Market, Financial Reports

Company, Industry, Market, and Financial Reports

Basic formats for company, industry, marketing, and financial reports:

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Year, Month Date). Title of report. Publisher Name. DOI or URL 

Name of Group. (Year, Month Date). Title of report. Publisher Name. DOI or URL 

For school assignments:

  • When citing reports found in a database, list the DOI (if there is one) but do not list the URL. 
  • When citing reports found on a free website (such as a company website), list the URL at the end of the citation.

Reporting the database name is not standard procedure for published articles and reports.

Company report

Citation examples:
MarketLine. (2023). Costco wholesale corporation MarketLine company profile. MarketLine. 
Intext citation: (MarketLine, 2023)

D&B Hoover's, Inc. (2009). International Business Machines: company profile: Index. D&B Hoover's.
Intext citation: (D&B Hoover's, 2009)

Mergent. (2013). Nike, Inc. company details report. MergentOnline.
Intext citation: (Mergent, 2013)

Industry reports

Citation Example:
Kaczanowska, A. (2012, June). IBISWorld industry report OD4302. Craft beer production in the US. IBISWorld. 
Intext citation:  (Kaczanowska, 2012)

Market reports

Citation Example:
Mintel. (2023). Cannabis retail: Positioning and marketing US, 2023. Mintel Group Ltd. 
Intext citation:  (Mintel, 2023)

Financial reports

When citing financial reports, following the report title, include any file name or number (if available) and any other identifying information needed to trace the report.

Citation Examples:
General Electric Company. (2011). United States Securities and Exchange Commission form 10-K for the fiscal year ended 2010.  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 
Intext citation: (General Electric Company, 2011)

Texas Instruments. (2010). 2010 annual report to shareholders. Texas Instruments.
Intext citation: (Texas Instruments, 2010)