Abrol, R.; Trzaskowski, B.; et al. (2014). "Ligand- and mutation-induced conformational selection in the CCR5 chemokine G protein-coupled receptor." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(36). (Christopher Irons, Associate Faculty, Cascadia College.)
Bartha, M.; Burgett, B. (2015). "Why public scholarship matters for graduate education." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 15(1). (Miriam Bartha, Director of Graduate Programs for the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Carlisle, S. (2014). "Disaggregating race and ethnicity in chronic health conditions: implications for public health social work." Social Work in Public Health, 29(6). (Shauna Carlisle, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Goldhaber, D.; Cowan, J.; Walch, J. (2013). "Is a good elementary teacher always good? Assessing teacher performance estimates across subjects." Economics of Education Review, 36. (Dan GOldhaber, Research Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Goldhaber, D.; Walch, J. (2014). "Gains in Teacher Quality." Education Next, 14(1). (Dan Goldhaber, Research Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Graves, C.; McLoud-Mann, J.; Rovira, K. (2015). "Extending patches to fullerenes." Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 9(2). (Jennifer McLoud-Mann, Associate Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)
Gustafson, K. (2014). "Translation, technology, and the digital archive: preserving a historic Japanese-language newspaper." American Journalism, 31(1). (Kristin Gustafson, Lecturer in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Harvey, H.; Kovalesky, A.; et al. (2013). "Experiences of mothers of infants with congenital heart disease before, during, and after complex cardiac surgery." Heart and Lung: Journal of Acute Critical Care. (Andrea Kovalesky, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing, UW Bothell.)
Hickerson, A.; Gustafson, K. (2016). "Revisiting the immigrant press." Journalism, 17(8). (Kristin Gustafson, Lecturer in the School of interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Hillesland, K.; Lim, Sujung, et al. (2014). "Erosion of functional independence early in the evolution of a microbial mutualism." Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States, 111(41). (Kristina Hillesland, Assistant Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)
Jackels, S.; Marshall, E.; et al. (2014). "GCMS investigation of volatile compounds in green coffee affected by potato taste defect and the Antestia bug." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(42). (Charles Jackels, Professor Emeritus in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)
Joseph, P.; Mikel, E. (2014). "Transformative moral education: challenging an ecology of violence." Journal of Peace Education: Greening Peace and Sustaining Justice, 11(3). (Pamela Joseph, Senior Lecturer in the School of Educational Studies, UW Bothell.)
Jung, J. (2015). "Code clouds : qualitative geovisualization of geotweets." The Canadian Geographer, 59(1). (Jin-Kyu Jung, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Kawasaki, F.; Stiber, M. (2014). "A simple model of cortical culture growth: burst property dependence on network composition and activity." Biological Cybernetics, 108(4). (Michael Stiber, Professor in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)
Lazzaro, A.; Mills, S.; et al. (2014). "Cultural competency on campus: applying ACRL's diversity standards." College & Research Libraries News, 75(6). (Tami Garrard, Access Services Manager and Emily Ferguson, Circulation Supervisor, Campus Library.)
Lerum, K. (2014). "Human Wrongs vs. Human Rights." American Sociological Association, 13(1). (Kari Lerum, Associate Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Lopez, S. (2014). "Modeling agricultural change through logistic regression and cellular automata: a case study on shifting cultivation." Journal of Geographic Information System, 06(03). (Santiago Lopez, Assistant Professor in the School of interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Philips, J.; Resnick, J.; et al. (2013). "Voices of innovation: building a model for curriculum transformation." International journal of nursing educational stewardship, 10. (Jerelyn Resnick, Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing & Health Studies.)
Savilaakso, S.; Garcia, C.; et al. (2014). "Systematic review of effects on biodiversity from oil palm production." Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Environmental Evidence 3(1). (Martha Groom, Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Trombulak, J.; Anderson, J.; et al. (2014). "Natural history's place in science and society." American Institute of Biological Sciences, 64(4). (Martha Groom, Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Berger, D. (2014). Captive nation : black prison organizing in the Civil Rights era. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. (Dan Berger, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Berger, D. (2014). Struggle within : prisons, political prisoners, and mass movements in the United States. Oakland, CA: PM Press. (Dan Berger, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Berliner, L. (2014). "Shooting for profit : the monetary logic of the YouTube home movie." In Amateur filmmaking: the home movie, the archive, the Web. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. (Lauren Berliner, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Borsuk, A. (2014). As we know. Subito Press, University of Colorado at Boulder. (Amaranth Borsuk, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Dowling, S. (2014). Down. Toronto, Ontario: Coach House Books. (Sarah Dowling, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
"Festival of (In)appropriation." Media collection curated by Jaimie Baron and Andrew Hall. Los Angeles Filmforum production, 2012. (Lauren Berliner, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Kochhar-Lindgren, G. (2014). Kant in Hong Kong: walking, thinking, and the city. Roskilde: EyeCorner Press. (Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Professor & Associate Vice Chancellor of Undergraduate Learning, Academic Affairs, UW Bothell.)
Lerum, K. (2013). "Sexuality." Reference entry in Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia. (Kari Lerum, Associate Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)
Michaels, D. (2014). "Imagining Grandmother on the Paso Robles Ranch, Year My Father Was Born." In Embroidered Stories. University Press of Mississippi. (Denise Calvetti Michaels, Senior Associate Faculty, Cascadia College.)
Rapaport, M. (2013). The Pacific Islands : environment and society. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. (Moshe Rapaport, Associate Faculty, Cascadia College.)
Schroeder, R. (2014). Critical journeys: how 14 librarians came to embrace critical practice. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press. (Dave Ellenwood, Social Sciences Librarian, Campus Library.)
Stewart, J. (2013). Living with brain injury: narrative, community, and women's renegotiation of identity. New York: New York University Press. ((John) Eric Stewart, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)