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Anderson, C. & Jung, J. (2023). "For a cooperative 'smart' city yet to come: place-based knowledge, commons, and prospects for inclusive municipal processes from Seattle, Washington." Urban Planning, 8(2). (Christian Anderson, Associate Professor, and Jin-Kyu Jung, Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Berger, D. (2022). "Warnock's win points to the need for ongoing political organizing." The Washington Post. (Dan Berger, Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts &Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Berliner, L. & Cohn, J. (2023). "Introduction to the special issue Genre After Media." Television & New Media, 24(5). (Lauren Berliner, Associate Professor in the School of Interdiscaiplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Cooke, T.; Jensen, J.; et al. (2023). "Group active engagements for facilitating principles-based learning in introductory organismal biology." The American Biology Teacher, 85(6). (Jeffrey Jensen, Professor of Teaching in the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

East, A.; Warrick, J.; et al. (2022). "Measuring and attributing sedimentary and geomorphic responses to modern climate change: challenges and opportunities." Earth's Future, 10(10). (Margaret Redsteer, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Eaton, L.; Jang, K.M.; et al. (2022). "Hypnosis and relaxation interventions for chronic pain management in cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial." Supportive Care in Cancer, 31(50). (Linda Eaton, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Ferrare, J.; Phillippo, K. (2023). "Conflict theory, extended: a framework for understanding contemporary struggles over education policy." Educational Policy, 37(3). (Joseph Ferrare, Associate Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Ferrare, J.; Waddington, R.; et al. (2023). "Insufficient accountability? Heterogeneous effects of charter schools across authorizing agencies." American Educational Research Journal, 60(4). (Joseph Ferrare, Associate Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Hintz, A.; Smith, A.; Wu, M. (2023). "Reading by numbers: four kinds of books you can count on." School Library Journal, 69(8). (Antony Smith and Allison Hintz, Associate Professors in the School of Educational Studies, UW Bothell.)

Johnson, M.; Ritenbaugh, C.; et al. (2022). "Responses to change: comparison of virtual and in-person services at a healing center." Integrative Medicine Reports, 1(1). (Diana Neal, Lecturer in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Kenworthy, N.; Jung, J.; Hops, E. (2023). "Struggling, helping, and adapting: Crowdfunding motivations and outcomes during the early US COVID-19 pandemic." Sociology of Health & Illness, 45(2). (Nora Kenworthy, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies; Jin-Kyu Jung, Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Niitsu, K.; Kondo, A.; et al. (2023). "The impact of collaborative online international learning on intercultural sensitivity among nursing students in the United States and Japan." Nursing Education Perspectives, 44(4). (Kosuke Niitsu, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Runnerstrom, M.; Denaro, K.; Sato, B. (2023). "Bolstering the public health workforce: recruitment and retention of public health majors." Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 9(2). (Miryha Gould Runnerstrom, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell.)

Shayne, J. (2022). "Archiving feminist truth in Trump's wake of lies." Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 44. (Dr. Julie Shayne, Teaching Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Simpkins, N. (2023). "The rhetorical role of syllabi in student conversations about disability accommodations." College composition and communication, 74(4). (Neil Simpkins, Assistant Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Tang, M. (2022). "The challenge of the cloud: between transnational capitalism and data sovereignty." Information, Communication, & Society, 25(2). (Min Tang, Assistant Teaching Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Warren, S.; Bampton, M.; et al. (2023). "Mapping the anthropogenic ocean: a critical GIS approach." Geographical Review. (Leslie Cornick, Dean of the School of STEM, UW Bothell.)

Books, Media, and Creative Work

Berger, D. (2023). Stayed on Freedom: The Long History of Black Power Through One Family's Journey. Hachette Book Group. (Dan Berger, Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Cram, S. (2023). Unmaking the bomb: environmental cleanup and the politics of impossibility. University of California Press. (Shannon Cram, Associate Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Heuving, J. (2022). Brilliant Corners. Chax. (Jeanne Heuving, Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell.)

Merchant, N., Shear, S., and Au, W. (2022). Insurgent social studies: scholar-educators disrupting erasure and marginality. Myers Education Press. (Natasha Hakimali Merchant, Assistant Professor; Sarah B. Shear, Associate Professor; and Wayne Au, Interim Dean and Professor, School of Educational Studies, UW Bothell.)

Streichler, S. (2023). Presidential Accountability in Wartime: President Bush, the Treatment of Detainees, and the Laws of War. University of Michigan Press. (Stuart Streichler, Lecturer in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell.)