Select 19th century African American newspapers.
Newspapers and news magazines were extremely influential during this time period, playing roles in local and national political and social issues. Anthony Fellow explains: "New York had no fewer than 15 dailies and more than twice as many weeklies, but even a town as small as Emporia, Kansas, had two dailies." In the 1920s, Time magazine and radio emerged as major news sources.
In 1920, N. W. Ayer & Son's American Newspaper Annual and Directory: A Catalogue of American Newspapers, 1920, volume 2 shows that Seattle had 9 dailies, 20 weeklies, and 32 monthly/semi-montly newspapers.
Help: Analyzing Newspapers
*Fellow, A. R. (2009). History of journalism: 1861-1930. In C. H. Sterling (Ed.), Encyclopedia of journalism (Vol. 2, pp. 701-707).