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Map of coverage of the 1820 census.
For more information, see Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790 - 1920 available in print via UW Libraries.
Census population schedules (or "name schedules" or "manuscript census") are copies of the original questionnaires collected during each decennial census. They list the individual names and family information of the people enumerated. Unlike the statistics published soon after the census, the population schedules remain confidential for 72 years. 1950 is the most recent population schedule available.
"Census for 1820" features population data by race, condition of servitude, State, county, and town for the 1820 census. Also includes data by sex for free white persons, and by age group for males.
"Digest of accounts of manufacturing establishments in the United States, and of their manufactures" is located in the UW Government Publications stacks at the call numbers listed below.
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