1990 census of population and housing. Summary tape file 3C : United States summary. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF 1). The foreign-born population in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 2 ancestry of the population in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 3. Persons of Hispanic origin in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 4 : characteristics of adults with work disabilities, mobility limitations, or self-care limitations. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 5. Characteristics of the Asian and Pacific Islander population in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 Census of population and housing : subject summary tape file (SSTF) 6, education in the United States: technical documentation. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 7 : metropolitan housing characteristics. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) : housing of the elderly. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 Census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 9 : housing characteristics of new units. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 10 : Housing characteristics of mobile homes. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 06, Education in the United States : 1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 12, Employment status, work experience, and veteran status. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 13 : characteristics of American Indians by tribe and language. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 14 : occupation and industry : industry by occupation alphabetical index. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 15 : geographic mobility in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 Census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 16. Fertility. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 17 : poverty areas in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 18 : housing characteristics of condominium housing. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 19 : the older population of the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 20 : journey to work in the United States. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 21 : characteristics of the Black population. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
1990 census of population and housing. Subject summary tape file (SSTF) 22 : earnings by occupation and education. CD-ROM via UW Libraries
An overview of the census from 1790 to 2010 that includes the history of census legislation, efforts to improve the count, and the technical innovations introduced to improve data collection, processing, and publication.
Raw data files are intended to be loaded into statistical software for analysis and table creation. In some cases these files can be used with spreadsheet software as well.
Population, housing, economic and geographic information from a variety of surveys.
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