Yokohama meisai no zenzu
Hashimoto Gyokuransai
Yokohama : Morookaya Ihē, 1873
Map, 50 x 107.26 cm
Woodblock print
East Asia Library Collection
G7964.Y6 H37 1873
This is a bird’s-eye view illustrating the lively foreign settlement in Yokohama with its many ships gathered in the port displaying national flags of various Western countries. Two breakwaters appear at slightly left of center in the picture; the left was called an “elephant nose” due to its curved shape. The bridge drawn inside the inset is called Yoshidabashi, which connects the settlement to the outside world. It was Japan’s first iron bridge built in 1869.
Yokohama was an open port established by the Tokugawa shogunate’s government in 1859, in order to facilitate trade with foreign countries after the opening of Japan. This area was a vibrant place for Western culture, technology, and customs, which most Japanese people had never seen before. At the end of the Tokugawa period when the popularity of ukiyoe was starting to decline, ukiyoe artists visited Yokohama looking for new subject matter.
Gyokuransai was also known as Utagawa (Gountei) Sadahide. He was an ukiyoe artist active from the end of the Tokugawa period to the beginning of the Meiji period. He was a leading practitioner of the Yokohama-e style of ukiyoe that depicted foreign residents and the settlement in Yokohama.
横濱明細之全圖 (よこはまめいさいのぜんず)
横濱 : 師岡屋伊兵衞, 明治 6 [1873]
地図, 50 x 107.26 cm
G7964.Y6 H37 1873
横浜港に集まる夥しい数の船、掲げられたの欧米各国の国旗、外国人居留地の賑わいが描かれている鳥瞰図。図中央よりやや左に描かれた二本の防波堤の内、向かって左側の防波堤は大きく曲がった形から『象の鼻』と呼ばれた。囲みの中に描かれた橋は居留地と外を繋ぐ『吉田橋』。日本初の鉄橋ととして 1869 年に完成している。
横浜は、1859 年に徳川幕府が開国後海外との通商のために定めた開港場。この地はこれまでほとんどの日本人が目にすることの無かった西洋の文化・技術・風俗に溢れかえっていた。幕末、浮世絵人気が翳りが見え始めると、浮世絵師達は新しい主題を求めて横浜を訪れたのである。
神奈川県立歴史博物館. (ca. 2000?). 五雲亭貞秀. 画像で見る歴史と文化. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from
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桑山童奈. (2008). 五雲亭(歌川)貞秀の横浜鳥瞰図研究. In 鹿島美術財団. (Ed.), 鹿島美術財団年報別冊, 26. pp. 404-441.
Low, M. (2011). The Impact of Western Science and Technology on 'Ukiyo-e' Prints and Book Illustrations in Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Japan. In Nihon Kagakushi Gakkai. Historia Sscientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan, 21(1), pp. 66-87. Q125 .J35
横田洋一 … [et. al.]. (2007, April 10). 座談会 横浜開港と五雲亭貞秀. In 有隣堂出版部. (Ed.), 有隣, 473. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from