Sangoku tsūran zusetsu
Hayashi Shihei
Japan : Copier not identified, ca. 1792
1 v., 28 cm. + 5 maps
Manuscript copy
East Asia Library Collection
DS514.3 .H39
“Sangoku tsūran zusetsu” is a geography book written in 1785 about Korea, Ryūkyū (present-day Okinawa), Ezo (present-day Hokkaidō), and Ogasawara Island from the point of view of national defense. In addition to this volume, it also contains maps of the regions mentioned above. Together with “Kaikoku heidan” published in the following year, “Sangoku tsūran zusetsu” was considered as a dangerous book that threatened the seclusion policy of the Tokugawa shogunate. In 1792, the shogunate confiscated the book and the printing block and ordered Hayashi confined to his brother’s house in Sendai. Later, he was imprisoned in Edo. He died in obscurity the following year.
Even under the strict regulation of the shogunate, people hand-copied the book that escaped confiscation one by one and Hayashi’s book continued to circulate. The one in the East Asia Library Collection is an example of one of these manuscript copies. This effort faithfully reproduces the original five-color printed book.
An intellectual in the late Tokugawa period, Hayashi is also known by his given name of Tomonao. While interacting with scholars of Rangaku (the Western science and humanities) in Edo such as Hoshū Katsuragawa, Hayashi visited Nagasaki and understood the effects of international affairs impacting Japan. He fully realized the need for a national defense and aspired to study geography and military science after he became aware of the southward advance of Russian colonial policy from the chief trader of the Dutch East India Company in Japan at that time.
三國通覽圖說 (さんごくつうらんずせつ)
日本: 書写者不明, ca. 1792
1 v., 28 cm. +地図 5 葉
DS514.3 .H39
1785 年、国防の見地から朝鮮・ 琉球・蝦夷(えぞ)・小笠原諸島について著した地理書。本巻に加え日本及び上記地域の地図からなる。翌年出版された『海国兵談 (かいこくへいだん)』と共に、徳川幕府の鎖国政策を揺るがす危険の書とみなされる。1792 年幕府は、本と板木を没収、林子平に仙台の兄宅での蟄居を命じた後、囚人として江戸に収監。翌年、不遇のうちに没。 この幕府の取締まりにもかかわらず、子平の著作は辛うじて没収を逃れた本をもとに、一つ一つ手で写し取られ流布し続ける。東アジア図書館所蔵本もこうした写本の一つ。五色刷り印刷本を忠実に再現している。
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奈良本辰也 (Ed.). (1976). 近世政道論. 東京 : 岩波書店. B5240 .N5 v. 38
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島尻勝太郎, 中村栄孝, 谷川健一 (Eds.). (1981). 日本庶民生活史料集成 (Vol. 30). 東京 : 三一書房. (DS821 .N6793 v. 30
山本饒 (Ed.). (1943-). 林子平全集. (Vols. 1-3). 東京 : 生活社. U101 .H37 1943
Yonemoto, M. (2003). Narrating Japan. In Mapping Early Modern Japan : Space, Place, and Culture in the Tokugawa Period, 1603-1868. Berkeley ; Los Angeles: University of California Press. DS822.2 .Y665 2003 ; Available from Project Muse UPCC ebooks web site: